Wednesday, May 10, 2006

on de b dae

well well. i have one word to describe today, i think id choose EXHILIRATING. of all the things, lots, and i mean LOTS of things happened today. and i get teased about my pervious entry. hahahahah. ok lets start the whole day..

5.30: wake up and get ready to go to school. run off to bus stop. i thought i missed the bus when it didnt come at 6.20 i started to panic. then it came. PHEW.

got to school and bounced about in the canteen and did econs. millie came nad we finished our work. was on the wau upstairs when i suddenly struck her that it was my bdae hahahhahaha. so we got to class and i settle down to read. bell doesnt ring so we all get down late. on my way to the line when darren comes up and he shakes my hand(real handshake) and is like, happy bdae! im like, how on earth do U know. his reply? i have my sources. a little birdy told me! now why does that sound familiar??? ahhaha. anyhow he goes off and who should come up but darcy. gives me a hug and is like happy birthday! im like ahha thank you. then hes like i need to pass u something later. then goes off to pay up some debts:D ahhaha.

going up to class and anne goes on and on how i MUST follow her somewhere right after econs, the first period before i go for my break. im like.. ok. so boring econs and the bell rings and she starts to panic.hahaha.dont panic:D anyhows what do i say? relax anne teh sun isnt going to die.. hahahah. wad crap. tiffany chow gave me this really cute chicken bobbing pen. i felt like bursting for joy.anyhow, we finish teh bloody copying and im like ms lee can we go? and she like yes. and three ppl run out of class, me millie and anne.hahaha

so we go all the way down and im like, why are we hiding behind the bushes and lo and behold william and darcy come along out of lt 2. im like ok... so we go up and then william is like HAPPY BIRTHDAY! im liike.. haha tahnks. then darcy is like. ok i wanted to make u a card but i had no time so here you go and our chem teacher is behind us. so the rush off, like really fast. and there the 3 of us are standing in the quardrangle like idiots. haha. anyhow i look at wad he passed me and im like ooo cool the nike football bands thingy and this paper thing. anne an d millie take one looka dn laugh. im like. wad the hell is this? annes like *takes it out* its a CONDOM. im like.. freak hahahhahhaha. bloody darcy. ahhaha.2seconds it sinks in . then i laugh. laugh all teh way up to class then down again to break. and during break, i get a CAKE. in SCHOOL. that is the FIRST time. so SWEET of the class. man i love my class.hahah.okok. then we eat. and there are 2 slices left and anne and i go into cahoots to pass em to darcy and william. so we smuggle it all the way to their class. before econs lect. only to have them stuck in class. ah well. anyhows, we leave it under the bench and according to they got it. i think ahhaha. oh during break tiff and them from 1T16 pass me this bag (PUNK BAG() and in it is a punk belt and punk tee shirt! alright! im gonna wear it on friday:D anyhows. going up to class before geog and got more bdae wishes. geog is like geog as usual. nothing much happened. then there was malay oral and the worksheet i rushed to complete. ran all teh way back to class to pack my bag and i leave to the foyer. anne and millie have gone. finally reach safely. more happy bdaes. shawn still has teh hicky i gave him . hhahahaha. not a real one. abloody scratch on his neck i caused. anyhow, we go on board bus and i sit in bw jeremy and shawn:D then shawn falls a sleep and i talk a to z with jerms. mdm damo calls me phone and i pass it to mrs chua. am in front of bus and zehra and bern are acting weird. so i go back to hte back and tehn they come over and pass me this photo frame they made for me. SO SWEET. anyhows, we arrive and then get ushered in to the audi. hang about thro many boring thingies. cant rmb. then off to break before presentation. all goes well. i see slav in person! ahah. then we take lots of silly photos outside the lt for no reason. everyone finally meets terrence, berns bf:D then we leave and zehra and i lose bern so we hang about eating. find her and we go off. miss the bus adn get the 153. debate on whether we take bus or mrt. decide on bus. i get off. get teh next bus. reach bustop. take 20mins to get home when its on ly 3 mins away. Y? i have no idea. i had the impulse to walk really slowly, listeing to my music. so i did. get home finally help a bit around the house. then i go sleep. just woke up. my SIS gave me a PREZZZIE!! so SWEEET! its this assemble urslef motorbike thing. ahhaha. new fad.:D and now im stoning. wondering wad tomorrow is gonna be like. sports carnival. oh shoot. com is gonna shut down.take care!!

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