Sunday, April 30, 2006

you know when you are stressed when: (or maybe just bored)

Relatives that have been dead for years come visit you and suggest that you get some sleep.
You say the same sentence over and over again, not realizing you've said it before.
You say the same sentence over and over again, not realizing you've said it before.
The Sun is too loud.
Trees begin threatening you.
You can see individual air molecules vibrating.
You believe that if you think hard enough, you can levitate.
You say the same sentence over and over again, not realizing you've said it before.
You have great revelations concerning Life, the Universe, and Everything else, but can't quite find the words for them before the white glow fades, leaving you more confused than before.
You begin to talk to yourself, then disagree about the subject, get into a nasty row about it, lose, and refuse to talk to yourself for the rest of the day.
You yell: "STOP TOUCHING ME!!!" even though you're the only person in the room.
You say the same sentence over and over again, not realizing you've said it before.
You go to bed at 3AM and think, "Oh, it's an early night!"
Your favorite saying is "If I get a hundred on every test for the rest of the year..."
You try to wake up fast enough to catch yourself sleeping - and succeed.
You talk to yourself in the 3rd person.
You write sentences on multiple choice tests.
It's okay to fail, so long as you are not alone.
You frequently catch yourself saying "What?? We had homework??"
You manage to complete a semesters worth of homework the day before the term ends.
Your idea of impure thoughts is whether or not to copy math homework.
You can count your last quiz grade on one hand.
You've consulted tarot cards for hints on a History test.
You have the library on speed dial.
You've developed an imprint of your book bag in your back.
Your best hope for most classes is either divine intervention or a strategically placed lightning bolt.
Your books weigh more than you do.
You write a research paper on whether or not Bert and Ernie are gay.
You can lead your way through a frog's intestines with your eyes closed.
You consider giving up going to the bathroom permanently to give you more time to study.
You skip breakfast so you can get to school early to get in some extra cramming time to gain that "upper edge" on the rest of the class.
Pressed for time, you conclude a history essay with, "And they lived happily every after. Amen."
You actually worry about the 105% you have in math.
You find that you spend more time sleeping in class than at home.
The librarians know you so well that you don't even have to go to the front desk of the library to check the book out.
You've read most of the books in your library, and have a written report on over 3/4 of them!
The simplest words you know are at least 10 letters long.
When you are home sick, you can't help but wonder what work you're missing and what your homework is.
When you're watching TV, you feel guilty because not all of your homework is done.
You have an internet connection on your calculator.
You have more CD-ROMS than music CDs.
You discuss the impossibility of the aliens' computers being Macintosh compatible in Independence Day.
Your bed hasn't been slept in since Bush was president.
Your best friend is Jack Daniels.
You're afraid of sunlight since you haven't seen it in 3 years.
Breakfast?! What's that?
The bags under your eyes are heavier than the ones carrying your textbooks.
You always seem to have one continuous headache.
You haven't seen light in so long you glow in the dark.
You find yourself thinking "Without stress my life would be empty."
You can count the number of hours you sleep each week on one missing hand.
You've taught yourself how to take naps while walking to your next class.
You actually get used to waking up at 5:00 am.
You think "getting high" is a reference to grades.
You have taken in so much knowledge that you forget what the doorbell means.
You think MTV is a formula for mass, temperature and volume.
You clean up your room and find a bed.
You wonder about things like what would happen if your car traveled at the speed of light and your turned your lights on.
It's the little things that confuse you.
You look foward to hell week because you think hell would be an improvement on your current situation.
You managed to write 4,000 words on the subject "Hitler was a nice guy, wasn't he?"
Your pick-up lines include compliments on the quality of her (his) epidermis and the wonderful shape of her (his) occipital plate.
You have an element named after you.
You forget your brother's name because you haven't seen him in three years.
Wait...what brother?
When on vacation, you visit other schools.
You have races with your friends to see who can say the entire periodic table of elements the fastest.
You'd feel bad about not having a social life if only you could remember what it was like to have one.
You think "social life" refers to life in Soviet Bloc nations during the Cold War
You talk in your sleep -- in Spanish.
You resort to communicating with classmates through a series of clicks because languages take too long.
You love the "Macarena" not because it's a neat-o dance, but because you actually understand what those Spanish guys are saying.
You say the same sentence over and over again, not realizing you've said it before.
You no longer speak English -- You speak a combination of English, German, Spanish, French, Portugese, Swedish, Dutch, Chinese, Russian, Norwegian, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, and Polish.
You debate physics during lunch…and you usually win.
You know the chemical composition of the ugly brown stains on the ceiling tiles.
You see 0110 1001 0110 1001 and get horny.
You make a date to do homework together and you actually do.
you start walking in geometric circles
you start analyzing random books, song lyrics, and street signs
a good night's sleep is 5 hours
You say the same sentence over and over again, not realizing you've said it before.
16+2= ...wait let me get my graphing calculator!
the urge to shout "Sir, yes sir" overwhelms you do it
you don't speak French, yet you compile a list of insults in French
it takes you 3 days to get this joke:
A: you know what?
B: no, introduce me.
you forget the meaning of the words "free time" yet remember the meaning of "mantic" (n. )
you have complicated dreams about graphing circles and ellipses
you start a Scrabble Club. wait...that's a bad thing?
You walk in the movement patterns of a knight to improve your chess strategy while you nap on your way to your next class.
the number on your screen name corresponds to the page number that character you use for your screen name has an appearance in the book you got it from
you understand above the first time you read it
whenever you're watching a movie you find all the motifs and themes...without trying
you brag that you only got 2 hours of sleep last night
you write a two page answer to a one sentence question
you look forward to arguing
you enjoy complaining and scaring the juniors (yeah, and they gave us 500 pages of History, but I managed to do that even though my back is now permanently damaged by the weight of my backpack, and the track bugs almost got me so I was exhausted from running... etc.)
when writing down decimals, you don't understand why you can't write them to the 14th decimal place
you feel sorry for the chemicals in chemistry class
this number means something: 42
you faithfully copy words without vowels in them, yet somehow understand them
you start overanalyzing the rainbows on people's clothing
you write a newsletter half in Latin
your Physics teacher knows how to say "outstanding" in over 30 languages, yet chooses"cool beans!"
you're disappointed when you only get 100% on a test
you complain about studying for your foreign language multiple foreign languages
you have a thought, and it hurts.
you have a hurt, and it thinks.
your main addiction is to sleep...and you're always experiencing withdrawal.
you get angry at someone for being late so you can't copy their homework.
your backpack is heavier than you are.
you realize that something is missing when your backpack feels too light.
You say the same sentence over and over again, not realizing you've said it before.
you use logic to justify the color of your nail polish.
you can't enjoy a heart-warming cartoon because the French grammar is wrong.
the most peer pressure you have recently experienced is someone trying to get you to eat potato chips.
You say the same sentence over and over again, not realizing you've said it before.

this is the wierdest hting ive come across.hahaha.

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