Earthday is coming up!!!
Modern technology
Owes ecology
An apology.
~Alan M. Eddison
Don't blow it - good planets are hard to find. ~Quoted in Time
We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. ~Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732
Newspapers: dead trees with information smeared on them. ~Horizon, "Electronic Frontier"
They kill good trees to put out bad newspapers. ~James G. Watt, quoted in Newsweek, 8 March 1982
And Man created the plastic bag and the tin and aluminum can and the cellophane wrapper and the paper plate, and this was good because Man could then take his automobile and buy all his food in one place and He could save that which was good to eat in the refrigerator and throw away that which had no further use. And soon the earth was covered with plastic bags and aluminum cans and paper plates and disposable bottles and there was nowhere to sit down or walk, and Man shook his head and cried: "Look at this Godawful mess." ~Art Buchwald, 1970
Why do people give each other flowers? To celebrate various important occasions, they're killing living creatures? Why restrict it to plants? "Sweetheart, let's make up. Have this deceased squirrel." ~The Washington Post
We say we love flowers, yet we pluck them. We say we love trees, yet we cut them down. And people still wonder why some are afraid when told they are loved. ~Author Unknown
Take nothing but pictures.
Leave nothing but footprints.
Kill nothing but time.
~Motto of the Baltimore Grotto, a caving society
When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world. ~John Muir
Man must feel the earth to know himself and recognize his values.... God made life simple. It is man who complicates it. ~Charles A. Lindbergh, Reader's Digest, July 1972
Nature always strikes back. It takes all the running we can do to remain in the same place. ~Rene Dubos, Medical Utopias, 1961
Give a man a fish, and he can eat for a day. But teach a man how to fish, and he'll be dead of mercury poisoning inside of three years. ~Charles Haas
When a man wantonly destroys one of the works of man we call him a vandal. When he destroys one of the works of god we call him a sportsman. ~Joseph Wood Krutch
In an underdeveloped country, don't drink the water; in a developed country, don't breathe the air. ~Changing Times magazine
Owes ecology
An apology.
~Alan M. Eddison
Don't blow it - good planets are hard to find. ~Quoted in Time
We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. ~Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732
Newspapers: dead trees with information smeared on them. ~Horizon, "Electronic Frontier"
They kill good trees to put out bad newspapers. ~James G. Watt, quoted in Newsweek, 8 March 1982
And Man created the plastic bag and the tin and aluminum can and the cellophane wrapper and the paper plate, and this was good because Man could then take his automobile and buy all his food in one place and He could save that which was good to eat in the refrigerator and throw away that which had no further use. And soon the earth was covered with plastic bags and aluminum cans and paper plates and disposable bottles and there was nowhere to sit down or walk, and Man shook his head and cried: "Look at this Godawful mess." ~Art Buchwald, 1970
Why do people give each other flowers? To celebrate various important occasions, they're killing living creatures? Why restrict it to plants? "Sweetheart, let's make up. Have this deceased squirrel." ~The Washington Post
We say we love flowers, yet we pluck them. We say we love trees, yet we cut them down. And people still wonder why some are afraid when told they are loved. ~Author Unknown
Take nothing but pictures.
Leave nothing but footprints.
Kill nothing but time.
~Motto of the Baltimore Grotto, a caving society
When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world. ~John Muir
Man must feel the earth to know himself and recognize his values.... God made life simple. It is man who complicates it. ~Charles A. Lindbergh, Reader's Digest, July 1972
Nature always strikes back. It takes all the running we can do to remain in the same place. ~Rene Dubos, Medical Utopias, 1961
Give a man a fish, and he can eat for a day. But teach a man how to fish, and he'll be dead of mercury poisoning inside of three years. ~Charles Haas
When a man wantonly destroys one of the works of man we call him a vandal. When he destroys one of the works of god we call him a sportsman. ~Joseph Wood Krutch
In an underdeveloped country, don't drink the water; in a developed country, don't breathe the air. ~Changing Times magazine
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