bratty children
wow today was one hell of a day. rushed out the door at 7.45 got to novena church at 8.oo am. did my econs homework for an hour sitting on the bench. james and darcy came and we stoned for 15mins before we gave up and realised that no divine intervention would make novena happen. i think they didn't have it today cos its holy saturday. ah well. then went to burger king and ate hash browns for 'breakfast'. am still not used to eating hot stuff for breakfast, unless its oatmeal. then i might as well be a horse.:) wanted to rush home when my mom called and said that easter egg blessing mass wasnt at 11am but at 11.45 am. ah well. hung about novena looking at the sport shops. they should add more sport shops and wipe out the silly accessories shops and weird 'clothes shops' if they want to make it a hub for sports. velocity novena.. hmm..
honestly i dont see how rags and pieces of cloth can be considered as clothing. managed to get home in time and ran out the door again to catch a cab to st iggys. got there 15mins early and stoned about with my sis till the blessing started. after that we hung about and talked about next sat when for the outing we're gonna have for one of these girls birthday's. this guy miko was annoying as usual. my mom asked me later why we found him annoying cos she said he seemed pretty sweet to her. we wanted to choke. ah well to each their own opinion. went to holland village shopping center and did grocery shopping. was at the meat section when i realised parents of bratty children can actually threaten them. theres this company in america called johnsonville who cooks little brats if they get too naughty. dont believe me?
see for yourself:

cooked brats.. yum yum.. or maybe u prefer a different serving..

smoked brats. they get 'cured' after this from all their brattiness.haha. brats beware....bratswurst. the new in thing. get it today!!
honestly i dont see how rags and pieces of cloth can be considered as clothing. managed to get home in time and ran out the door again to catch a cab to st iggys. got there 15mins early and stoned about with my sis till the blessing started. after that we hung about and talked about next sat when for the outing we're gonna have for one of these girls birthday's. this guy miko was annoying as usual. my mom asked me later why we found him annoying cos she said he seemed pretty sweet to her. we wanted to choke. ah well to each their own opinion. went to holland village shopping center and did grocery shopping. was at the meat section when i realised parents of bratty children can actually threaten them. theres this company in america called johnsonville who cooks little brats if they get too naughty. dont believe me?
see for yourself:

cooked brats.. yum yum.. or maybe u prefer a different serving..

smoked brats. they get 'cured' after this from all their brattiness.haha. brats beware....bratswurst. the new in thing. get it today!!
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