Wednesday, April 12, 2006


It usually takes something really drastic or bad for one to realise and appreciate what you've got. It makes it even more a miracle when you can meet someone in this urban, high-fly, technologically advanced world that can appreciate the little simple things in life. A word of advice from someone: Remeber when life gets you down, look around you, you are living in someone elses dream. This really caught me off guard. Especially when you're in the midst of being scolded by your mom. The professor's take on that? "She probably has a good reason to be yelling at you. My mom always does." Wow.

Ok,right. Back to being grateful. He started telling me about this couple he saw who were blind and they were helping each other unzip this bag. A simple act such as unzipping a bag is thanks to our pair of eyes. And our snese of touch. People in comas or have this syndrome (I can't remember what it is called) can't feel the warmth of hugs and the cool breeze in autumn or the spray of rain on their cheeks on a rainy day. That is super sad. People who can't walk or talk miss out on quite a lot.

But I suppose the miracle, or moral, of the story is that these people always find some way to overcome these obstacles and still live life happily and to the fullest. Be grateful for the simple things in life, cos I never know when it will be snatched away from me.

Obstacles: the annoying little cracks in the ground that try and stop you from reaching your goal. Jump over 'em.


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