Sunday, October 22, 2006

bastards and jerks.

Every song sung by a guy to a girl
tells the girl that she'll be better off with him
as compared to the guy she is with now
because he is better than that guy
and that he won't break her heart
like that guy did

And you tend to think
if there are so many of these kind of songs
if you try piecing them together
you will find a string of guys
one after the other
most probably telling the same girl
that they are better than the previous guy

Doesn't it occur to anyone
that by this time
it must mean
that the girl has gone through
so many heartbreaks
that you feel really sorry for her
and you start to wonder if she deserved it

But i can tell you
i don't think she deserved it
it's just that she is horribly unlucky
surrounded by JERKS
which makes up the majority
of the GUY population in this world

You got to hand it to the guys
they never FAIL
at making everyone else feel miserable
they have the knack at doing it
so much so
that even those you THINK are okay

And people always asked me
why most of the time
i was anti-guy
does that answer your question?
they are jerks
all of them
i repeat
ALL of them

In the words of Frenchy
from Grease
" The only man you can trust
in your life
is your daddy"
'cos they've exhausted their supply
of being bastards and jerks

Never trust your emotions
nor your heart
even if they say
that you should always follow your heart
'cos it's your heart
that is going to lead you into
a hell of a lot of trouble

guys-> stay away from them; bastards and jerks.

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