Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Strawberry Ice cream

I'm listening to this one song over an over and over again, cos it gives me this happy but ultimately sad feeling. i suppose that is being utterly sadistic, don't know why i'm continuing with it, but i suppose , because of the memories connected with this song, i'm gonna love this song forever and the only way to relive the memories vividly wuld be to play the song.altho in the end i know that as of RIGHT NOW living in reality, the ending is not as great as i imagine it to be. but what to do, not all stories are a fairy tale ending. it's like the song is the only thing left of the memory.

it's funny how one day can change practically everything you've ever felt or remembeed or imagined before.

it's funny how emotions are the one thing that make us human butthe one thing that hurts like crap.. lke HELL when things go wrong..

it's funny how memories stay the same, no matter how much reality changes around us, and memories create the strongest impressions in us.

it's funny how, because of these strong impressions, we stick to the first impressios and memories don't allow us to change.

it's funny how because of all of this, we still try to believe the best in someone, altho that person has long changed and the person we once knew is looonnggg gone.

it's funny that even though i know all of this and am aware of it all, i can still continue falling.

it's funny taht althogh i care so much about it, i coldnt care enough to change it.

it's funny that it's never going to change, even if you tried hard enough, because you don' want it to change.

life is just funny.

and i suppose that's kinda what makes it sucks the most.

but if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

these lines of lightning mean we're never alone, never no...

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